Udaya Bhanu, Suma rule the roost

uday bhanu-new item girl?

Uday Bhanu who is a popular and sexy tv anchor is now turning to movies.Udaya Bhanu is all set to do a very hot item number in Posani Krishna Murali movie Apadha Mokkulavadu.

Actually this will not be her first movielike said in other popular web sites, Uday Bhanu has already done side roles in few movies and even did as heroine in one fight masters Ram Lakshman movie.

But she stopped doing these small roles and concentrated on small screen career and became the most hot and wanted anchor in all telugu tv channels. She anchored shows like Nee Illu Bangaram Kanu in Zee Telugu and Sahasam Cheyara Dimbhaka in Gemini Tv which became very popular because of her. Not only these there were many serials and daily shows which became popular just because of her.
But her recent and sudden marriage and the personal problems around this marriage reduced her career graph. But now she is all set to develop her graph by doing anything and everything which comes in her way.
All the best Bhanu ….

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