Jennifer Love Hewitt sexy woman

Jennifer Love Hewitt (born February 21, 1979) is an American actress and singer-songwriter. Hewitt began her acting career as a child by appearing in television commercials, as well as the Disney Channel television series Kids Incorporated. [wikipedia]

Jennifer Love Hewitt Top PictureJennifer Love Hewitt Top Picture

As a young girl, Jennifer Love Hewitt was attracted to music, which led to her first encounters with the entertainment industry. At the age of three, she sang "The Greatest Love of All" at a livestock show.

Sexy Photo Jennifer Love HewittSexy Photo Jennifer Love Hewitt

After moving to Los Angeles, Jennifer Love Hewitt appeared in more than twenty television commercials. Her first break came as a child actor on the Disney Channel variety show Kids Incorporated (1989–1991), where she was credited as just Love Hewitt.

Jennifer Love Hewitt sexy womanJennifer Love Hewitt sexy woman

In 1991, Meldac funded the recording of Jennifer Love Hewitt's first album 'Love Songs', when she was just 12. The album was only released in Japan in 1992 where Hewitt became a pop star. Her explanation for her success in Japan is that the Japanese "love perky music. The poppier the music, the better."

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