Rose McGowan sexy actress

Rose McGowan has carved out a nice for herself in Hollywood as an offbeat wild-child actress -- attracting the likes of Marilyn Manson and Robert Rodriguez in the process. [askmen]

Rose McGowan sexy actressRose McGowan sexy actress

Rose McGowan made her first appearance in a Hollywood film with a bit role in the 1992 Pauly Shore comedy Encino Man. Her role in the 1995 dark comedy The Doom Generation brought her to the attention of film critics, and she received a nomination for "Best Debut Performance" at the 1996 Independent Spirit Awards. McGowan was subsequently cast in a supporting role in the 1996 hit horror film Scream.

Sexy picture Rose McGowanSexy picture Rose McGowan

Rose McGowan has the wild-child personality and the hot body to match it, making her a popular poster girl for many men.

Sexy picture Rose McGowanSexy picture Rose McGowan

In June 2008, USA Today reported that Rose McGowan had been signed to play the title role in a third project with Robert Rodriguez (who takes on the role of the film's producer), known as Red Sonja.

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