Movie News: Neetu clarifies the MNS controversy

When Neetu Chandra agreed to do a bold and sexy photo shoot for a men’s publication with model Krishikha Gupta outside a hotel on a beach in 

Neetu Chandra Mumbai recently, little did she realise that she was welcoming controversy with open arms. 

Onlookers and guests at the hotel were offended by the ‘lesbian act’ and created a scene outside the hotel. Within minutes, Neetu had landed herself in a soup. We asked the actress about the shoot and here’s what she had to say... 

What was the photo shoot all about? 

The photo shoot was on the lines of the Ajanta- Ellora cave sculpture. The concept of the shoot was to portray what men feel about seeing two female bodies, one perched on the other. The pictures had to be sensual and not vulgar at all. Krishika and I didn’t smooch or even touch each other in a suggestive way. We were just holding each other in a warm hug. 

What went wrong at the shoot? 

I was supposed to shoot for the publication from four to ten in the morning. I had to catch a flight to Delhi at 11 am as I had to attend a charity function there. However, after a while many people crowded the spot to watch the shoot. Initially, I waved at them, signed a few autographs, and took some photos with them. But it started disturbing our shoot and I felt uncomfortable striking a pose with many people watching me. So, I just went to my room and asked the publication and the production unit to clear the crowd. The unit tried to persuade the crowd to leave the place, but without much luck. How could I shoot with the junta watching me so closely? Also, I had my own priorities and commitments. So, I left the shooting at ten to catch my flight. 

Were there no ‘Jai Maharasthra’ cries or assaults? 

This shoot happened over a week ago and all papers in the capital carried my snapshot with the NGO the next day! Had there been any problems, wouldn’t the papers and television channels have reported them? I was supposed to pose for five different looks for the magazine, but because of the disturbance on the sets, I could complete only three. The publication should have cleared the set for me to pose. But instead of sorting out the problem amicably, they decided to publish the photos on the net in a bid to gain publicity for their magazine, which is to hit stands in about a week’s time. The news about the crowd threatening an agitation is all b**s***. 

How comfortable were you while posing intimately with another model? 

Come on, I’m straight. It definitely was awkward for both of us. But the shoot was conceptualised on the lines of the aesthetic sculptures in the Ajanta Ellora caves and Khajuraho. Our only intention was to highlight the body curves. I had donned a two-piece in my first film Garam Masala, that was directed by Priyadarshan. 
When people didn’t have an objection then, why should they feel offended with my wear now? 

Not many actresses are willing to share the stage with you... 

I haven’t heard it from the horse’s mouth though! But yes, I know my place in the industry and I have struggled to reach this place. I started my career with five other girls in the movie Garam Masala. I’m not insecure about my status and I have no competition. So girls, chill out and good luck to you all.

Source: Times of india

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