Romance: How to win a woman’s heart

According to the study, which was conducted by Northumbria University researchers, stubble is the way to win a woman’s heart. As for the reason, why women find men with stubble attractive: they find them tough, mature, aggressive, dominant and masculine and the best romantic partners.

The findings of the experiment, carried out on British women aged 18 to 44, could explain the appeal of actors such as George Clooney and Brad Pitt who cultivate their unshaven look. The explanation for the preference is not clear, but experts in human evolution say that that facial hair may be a signal of aggression because it boosts the apparent size of the lower jaw.

The research team believes that stubbly men may offer women the best worlds - not too strongly masculine, but mature and with the potential to grow a full beard. The researchers carried out the study using computer technology to alter pictures of 15 men’s faces. Five levels of facial hair were used - clean-shaven, light stubble, heavy stubble, light beard and full beard.

The pictures were shown to 76 women who were asked to rate them for masculinity, aggression, dominance, attractiveness, age, and social maturity. They were also asked how desirable each man would be as a short-term or long-term partner. Faces with full beards were judged to be the most masculine, aggressive and socially mature. They were also believed to look five years older.

They were rated the least attractive and the worst choice for a short-term relationship. Men with light beards were considered the most dominant. Those with light stubble were rated the most attractive and as the ideal romantic partner for short or long term.

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