Maria Sharapova sexy woman

Maria Sharapova sexy woman

Maria Sharapova was the youngest titlist on the WTA Tour in 2003. Although she has since curbed her enthusiasm somewhat, she used to be called the "Siberian Siren" because of her extremely loud grunting whenever she hit the ball. After winning the 2008 Australian Open, Maria Sharapova found herself one tournament away from completing a career Grand Slam in singles. [askmen]

Maria Sharapova sexy womanMaria Sharapova sexy woman

Maria Sharapova hot pictureMaria Sharapova hot picture

Nothing's hotter than a toned-to-perfection body, which is precisely whyMaria Sharapova ranks high on our hotness scale. Tennis athletes have long, lean, muscular bodies and Maria Sharapova's is no exception.

Maria Sharapova in actionMaria Sharapova in action

Like many women who originate from Russia, Maria Sharapova has been blessed with magnificent features. Her face is the epitome of classical beauty. She has long blond hair, and even longer legs.

Maria Sharapova sexy bikiniMaria Sharapova with sexy bikini

Maria Sharapova beautiful womanMaria Sharapova beautiful woman

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