Michelle Lombardo sexy model

Michelle Lombardo’s sex appeal is considerable. She has a strong, athletic body, but she has more than enough curves to tempt a man who doesn’t necessarily gravitate toward the more athletically inclined. [askmen]

Athletic Body Michelle LombardoAthletic Body Michelle Lombardo

Michelle Lombardo sexy and sportyMichelle Lombardo sexy and sporty

Michelle Lombardo is an astonishing amalgamation of sexy and sporty.

Michelle Lombardo sexy modelMichelle Lombardo sexy model

Complementing Michelle Lombardo’s alluring body are her soft and seductive features. With radiant, piercing blue eyes (the term “bedroom eyes” could not be more appropriate), Michelle has the potential to make just about any man swoon. Rounding out Michelle Lombardo’s siren-like visage is a gorgeous mane of brown hair and generous, soft lips.

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