Michelle Marsh sexy woman

Michelle Marsh was born on September 30, 1982, in Oldham, Lancashire, England. Growing up in a large, supportive family, Michelle took an early interest in modeling, singing and acting. [askmen]

Sexy Picture of Michelle MarshSexy Picture of Michelle Marsh

Michelle Marsh hasn't had much success with acting or singing -- her 2006 single, "I Don't Do," didn't rise high in the UK charts, and her onscreen work hasn't extended outside of reality television.

Michelle Marsh sexy womanMichelle Marsh sexy woman

Michelle Marsh knows the power of sensuality. "I love it when someone kisses my neck, it's really sensitive," she confesses. "If someone came up and kissed me right there, I'd probably jump on them." Michelle Marsh also knows the power that flesh has on others.

Michelle Marsh Page Three girlMichelle Marsh a Page Three girl

Michelle Marsh is best known for her work as a Page Three girl, and has posed topless for The Sun and the Daily Star. She launched her music career in 2006, and has appeared frequently alongside fellow chesty model Lucy Pinder in sexy photo spreads.

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